Age is Just a Number Baby

Last week I thought about deactivating my Facebook – I spent roughly half of my work day contemplating this after reading a critical, yet realistic article about Twentysomethings and their dependence on social media. However, this turned out to be a fleeting moment because I realized that among all the rubbish that is posted on Facebook, I have actually found a few nuggets of inspiration on my newsfeed. And that alone was enough for me to postpone my social deactivation.

I’m clearly the target audience for many of the recent articles and lists written about being Twentysomething – I’m a month away from turning 25 and I admit that I’m going through a quarter-life crisis. While these articles are directed at people like me, I honestly believe that these articles contain fitting advice for people of all ages – it’s merely how it applies to your personal life. Because in the end, age is just a number, and we could all use a little reminder of what life’s truly about.

Here’s the inspiration that I’ve stumbled upon in the past week via Facebook:

It’s not just about how you live your 20s, it’s about how you life your life.

Finding Inspiration During a Quarter-Life Crisis

Recently I’ve seen a myriad of articles, Buzzfeed lists, and blog posts with tid-bits on how to survive a quarter-life crisis. I’m not sure if I’ve seen this spike in articles because quarter-life crises are becoming an epidemic, or if I’m acutely aware that I’m currently going through one myself.

There are a lot of helpful tips out there for me and my fellow quarter-life crisis comrades. And I’ve recently recognized that I have an unhealthy obsession of browsing the internet looking for this type inspirational shit. Recently, an article stumbled across my Facebook newsfeed, 5 Lies Every Twentysomething Needs to Stop Believing that was originally published in Relevant Magazine. This article struck a chord with me, and I realized that it’s time to take my excessive browsing (and pinning) beyond Pinterest, and be more constructive – it’s time to start sharing with the world.